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The Permian Basin Section of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists

The PBS-SEPM was formed in 1954 as the Permian Basin Affiliate of the Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, (The Society for Sedimentary Geology). Although most of our members reside in the Permian Basin area of West Texas and New Mexico, we serve anyone with an interest in the geology of the Permian Basin, including students and Geoscientists employed by industry and academia.

We primarily serve our membership through Field Trips, Short CoursesLuncheon SeminarsScholarships for students pursuing a degree in Earth Sciences as well as Publications regarding Permian Basin geology.

Aerial Shot of Seashore

September Luncheon

Evan Jones

Reservoir Characterization of Pennsylvanian Mixed Carbonate and Clastic Reservoirs to Exploit Behind Pipe Pay on the Central Basin Platform, Permian Basin, TX

September  24

Bush Convention Center

Online via Zoom

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WJS and STR Scholarships 2023 - Applications now Closed

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